Toan Lam (pronounced “Twon”) is a former TV reporter, PBS co-host, current university instructor, motivational speaker and founder of the nonprofit Go Inspire Go and host of “The Toan Lam Show.” His work has been featured on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” CNN, Disney & Hallmark Channels, Yahoo and more.
Toan’s newest venture is the podcast TruthDare. More than just a podcast, TruthDare is a movement, a truth-telling revolution. From his humble beginnings and fierce challenges with family loss and discovering his own truth, Toan is inspiring those who DARE to tell the TRUTH and be more of who they REALLY are. It’s time to break free and break open. Share your truth. We dare you!
#truthdaretalk #truthtribe #daretobeyou #tellthetruth
About Strawberry Hill Productions
Strawberry Hill Productions is a full-service internet radio and podcast production company, co-founded by Raj Ramayya, Rae Palermo and Brooke Halsey to create compelling, professionally produced and brand-building on-demand audio content for its clients. With podcasting currently reaching more than 60 million listeners and internet radio more than 150 milion listeners, Strawberry Hill Productions is on the forefront of leveraging that audience for its client’s business and brand objectives. www.strawberryhillproductions.com
Meet the Team
Toan Lam, creator & host
My truth is: I believe we all have a superhero power, it’s our responsibility to use it to the fullest capacity to be better and do better for ourselves and others. My power and passion is to inspire you to find your power — the thing that makes you excited — and activate it.
I dare people to: Trust YOUR truth! (I dare you!)
Rae Palermo, producer and content strategies
My truth is: I believe when we stop compromising who we are, our true self will emerge naturally. I also know unhappy journeys never end in happy endings, so get in your feel-good flow now.
I dare people to: Be seen and not care who’s looking!
Nina Pollock, editor, publisher and in charge of booking
My truth is: I am a composer who is trying to expand the ways in which I utilize my skills and talents.
I dare people to: Get out of their comfort zone and dip their toes into anything that seems intimidating.
Kevin Lee, web producer
My truth is: We are created with a purpose — to be loved and to love others
I dare people to: Take a step of faith and see the incredible doors that open up when you engage with others.
Lada Kondrakhina, production assistant
My truth is: I used to be a pushover who would let other people tell me how to live my life and how to feel. At some point, it finally occurred to me that I have to take control over my fate…and I did.
I dare people to: Be fearless, because life is too short to hesitate and doubt yourself.